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In 2018 the GLA issued the Mayors 'Cultural Strategy for London', which included night clubs[1] for the first time. Since then the need for these spaces has been recognises more widely with policies being enacted that advocate for the protection of evening and night-time cultural venues[2]. What the new policies do not do, however, is advocate for the necessity of new spaces to service night-time cultural venues.


The Rave Revolution is about the spatial and societal positioning of night life within a city. It inherently concerns the subcultural scenes that exist on a city-wide scale and thus is not bound by the four walls of the architecture itself. It is important to stress that this is not a venue design project, it is a proposition for a new development to be centred around the rave. It is to act as an experimental model for developers in order to demonstrate the alternative approaches to the way the city is being developed.






[1] Greater London Authority, 2018. Culture For All Londoners. London: GLA, p.7.

[2] Greater London Authority, n.d. The Draft London Plan 2019. London: GLA, p.207.

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